Rejection Shouldn’t Stop You From Trying Again

By Bolatito Adebayo
In 1986 Bill Gates became a billionaire at 31 and that time Microsoft had just gone public. He was the most sought after young man at the time because of his achievement. When asked in an interview; what the secret of his success was….
the young man He answered:
“There’s no secret. I worked really hard on my idea to get it as good as I could and then knocked on door after door.
I ended up showing my idea to 1200 people.
900 said no.
300 people showed some interest.
Only 85 people actually did anything.
30 took a serious look.
And 11 made me a multi-millionaire.”

It doesn’t matter how many doors were shut on your face or how many people turned you down, don’t stop believing in yourself.
Do not let rejection stop you from trying again.
Do not let the subjective evaluation of one person or more make you throw in the towel.
There is an important skill you need to master and that is the art of rejection. It should never stop you from accomplishing your goals.
Don’t let your feelings get hold of you, the truth is that being told “no” is part of life and every single successful person has experienced it at one time or another.
Never mind the number of people who have said “no” to you, someone will say “yes” to you soon if you do not stop trying.