Rejection Is Not a Failure

By Bolatito Adebayo
Tyler Perry tried to commit suicide twice. He had a rough childhood and he was abused while growing up. As though that wasn’t enough, he was expelled from high school and had to pick up odd jobs to survive.
He tried to make his dreams a reality in 1992 by producing his first theatre production which was inspired by his difficult childhood.
Perry invested all his savings in this production but only 30 people came to see it. He failed woefully.
Nevertheless, Perry didn’t give up on his dreams. He kept working on his productions, doing odd jobs by the side and sometimes he slept in his car.

Six years later he had a breakthrough and his show became a success. Tyler Perry is now a successful director, writer and actor.
If you have suffered rejection professionally or personally, it can create doubts about your competence and self-worth. But no matter how emotionally painful it is, one thing you should have at the back of your mind is that rejection has its own advantage. Rejection makes you work on your weakness and triggers new ideas. Rejection doesn’t mean you are a failure; it only means you are not ready yet.
Stop being hard on yourself when you are being told ‘no’…It is not the end of the world.
Everyone at one point in life has been rejected. Anytime the door is being shut on your face, pat yourself on the shoulder, pick up what is left of your ego, and see that disappointment as a growth experience then strive to do better.