African News

AU Suspends Niger Republic

The African Union (AU) has announced the suspension of Niger Republic from it’s Union.

The AU made this known in a statement released on Tuesday.

This comes after the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) slapped sanctions on the country’s Junta after the July 26th Coup that ousted President Mohamed Bazoum from office.

The ECOWAS has since put forces on “standby” in readiness for a military intervention in Niger.

In the meantime, dialogue continues between the Regional bloc and the country’s military Junta.

2 days ago, following talks with ECOWAS delegates, the Niger Military Leader, Abdourahamane Tchiani, promised to return power to a democratically elected Leader after 3yrs.

Tchiani said this in a televised broadcast.

The AU, however, disagree with this stance and have warned the Junta to restore President Bazoum back to power and ‘return to their barracks.’

The AU has, also, implored member states to blacklist the Junta in Niger.

It has also insisted that the crisis be resolved within Africa, without help from foreign countries and World powers.

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