About Us

Demola Aluko


[email protected]

Our Mission:

We are dedicated to promoting and protecting the African image, using effective, reliable and verifiable information.

Our Goal:

Time has come for Africans to write their own stories. Stories that paint true pictures of the continent’s beauty, glory, success and integrity.

AfriqueCAN is a privately owned online magazine, based in Maryland, U.S.A. Our focus is to give publicity to positive developments from all parts of Africa.

We shall showcase rich African culture and the unparalleled beauty of the continent as we feature events, involving Africans around the globe.

We shall encourage people of Africa from different walks of life, who are performing exceptionally well in their endeavours as well as support those aspiring greater heights. 

Uninfluenced by political interests, we at AfriqueCAN will support, promote and give publicity that will attract foreign and local interests to verifiable achievement being recorded by all countries in the continent.

We are determined to actively participate in individual projects or government policies/programmes that will empower the people of Africa, anywhere on the continent and beyond.

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