
Actress Lizzy Jay Cries Out Over “Nude Video” Blackmail

ACTRESS Adeyela Adebola aka Lizzy Jay, has disclosed that an unnamed person is using her nude video to blackmail her.

She made this disclosure in a 15minute video posted on her Instagram account.

The Actress explained that, some months ago, she fell seriously ill and was placed on medications of antibiotics and opioids.

The medications, she stated, resulted in skin itching, rashes and bleeding from her private part, causing her severe pain.

Owing to the pains, she reached out to a male Doctor friend of hers through WhatsApp to relate her ordeal.

In a bid to understand her condition, the Doctor friend requested she make a video of the affected body parts and send to him.

Upon the Doctor’s request, she admitted using the application, Snapchat, to make the video and crop the part needed to be sent.

The Doctor then confirmed that she was indeed reacting to the drugs and urged her to stop usage.

The video, she said, was quickly deleted from her Snapchat.

The actress explained that, after this, an individual came on her page with a comment about having her private video, threatening to release them.

She explained that she didn’t take the threats from the blackmailer serious, seeing as she had deleted the video already.

The Actress said that when the blackmailer started sending in threats via her email, she soon realized that he had hacked her email, the same on she used in setting up her Snapchat account.

The blackmailer has, since, threatened to release the video to blogs if she doesn’t pay up.

The Actress said that she has refused to bow to the threats, calling his bluff instead.

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