Tito's Thoughts

Baby Daddies Not Good Husband Material

By Bolatito Adebayo

It has been alleged that Davido got another woman pregnant and that the lady in question is a girl that is well known to Chioma, his wife.

If this story is true, then it is quite unfortunate, considering the fact that the couple just lost their son and that they are newly married.

Honestly, I wasn’t surprised at the news because Chioma should be ready for more, but I wasn’t expecting it this soon! This is the kind of marriage she has signed in for and she should be ready to carry the baggage with her.

Senior co wife Annie Idibia can testify to the goodness of a philandering spouse. She should ask how many times she had her heart broken in her marriage over and over again by the person she adores most.

 If you are married to men like the Davidos and Tuface Idibias of this world, you should be ready to accept as many babies as much as they can make outside home.

Now let’s leave the power couple out of this because I only have limited details. Any woman who decides to get married to a womanizer should be ready to take whatever he dishes out. 

Hey! You saw the raging fire and you made the decision to walk bravely into it.

The only way out is to wear a protective gadget on your heart and be ready to accept all the babies he brings home.

If possible, go to Amazon and order baby diapers, car seats and any other baby items you can gift to your rivals’ babies because it won’t stop soon. That’s the brutal truth. He won’t change.

The most important thing is that you are the legal wife, the one he chose and decided to put in his house. Oh! How deliciously honorable! Among all the baby mamas you won the crown of the wife! Go girl! You are the queen, so wear your crown and sash with all dignity in your seriously complicated and stressful marriage.

On the flip side, while the main wife is mourning, especially if your baby daddy is rich and famous, the baby mama rejoices. Her friends will throw a luxury baby shower to spite the wife or main chic. Phew! Her oil bloc is almost here!

While I blame women who walk into this carnage of deceit call marriage, I won’t exonerate the sneaky slimy men who love impregnating different women. The problem with such men is that they never stop, unless they recognize their behavior as problematic, and they take action to stop this.

Dear single girls, if you are dating a baby daddy be careful, some of them are a truck load of red flags. If you are in a baby daddy hub, tread with caution, ask questions, and make your findings. If he loves philandering, you do not have to endure the baggage and competition that come with marrying one. Remember there are many good fish in the ocean, get those ones.

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