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Be Inspired!


Waje felt confident that morning as she walked into a studio in Onitsha. She knew she had a great voice and she felt some amazing things would happen to her music career. 

As she walked up to the nearest person in the room, her eyes lightened and her smile a ray of sunshine. She greeted him and went on her mission.

 “Hey, my name is Waje and I just want to be out there”. She blurted out confidently.

But the countenance of the guy changed, he gave a gesture of disgust, his nose wrinkled and he drew his head backward.

Waje felt her eyes were playing tricks and she decided to keep her gaze away band she still wore her beautiful smile as she handed over her CD to him.

He accepted it, uttered no word, and stared at her with disdain again.

After a few seconds, something got her attention and she looked away, immediately the guy realized she looked away, and he flung her CD on the floor.

Waje froze in horror and her smile died faster than wisps of smoke dissipated after a candle flame has been snuffed.

 She was dejected.  At that moment, It felt like she was trying to get something beyond her reach.

Quickly, she snapped away from the negative energy she had absorbed and that act became some sort of motivation to work harder, to be creative, and to keep going for what her heart and soul were yearning for.

Waje is never one to back out.

 Years later, her determination paid off, in 2011 her music career took a great leap and presently she is one of the most well-known musicians in Nigeria.

On your way up, there are people positioned somewhere to discourage you or make snide remarks that will make you doubt yourself.

Some will even attack you and tell you to your face that you are not good enough.

 Never allow people’s negative attitudes towards your craft, to crush you.

Don’t allow criticism to cripple you underneath its weight.

Don’t let self-doubt set in.

Stay focused.

Do the very best you know how and let the results play out.

Don’t let criticism silence your dreams, instead, let your success be your voice.


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