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Canada to Help Facilitate Talks to End Cameroon Conflict

The government of Cameroon and different groups involved in the separatist conflict in the country have agreed to take part in a process aimed at resolving the situation,the Canadian Government says.

But Canadian newspaper La Presse quotes an anonymous source in Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s office as saing that there had already been three “secret meetings”, the AFP news agency says.

The five-year conflict in Cameroon’s two English-speaking regions of North-West and South-West has claimed thousands of lives, while forcing more than one million to flee to French-speaking areas and a further 80,000 to take refuge in next-door Nigeria.

In a statement from Ottawa, the Canadian government announced that it had accepted the role of facilitator.

“Canada welcomes the agreement by the parties to enter a process to reach a comprehensive, peaceful and political resolution of the conflict,” the foreign ministry says.

It lists the parties to the agreement as:

The war has its roots in grievances that date back to the end of colonialism, when British-controlled territory was unified with French areas to create what is now Cameroon.

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