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Financial Infidelity

By Bolatito Adebayo

Infidelity isn’t always sexual; you can cheat on your spouse by misappropriating your finance.

Financial infidelity isn’t exclusive to one gender but many research findings have proven that women are very likely to hide their finances than men.  Based on the assumption that an average Nigerian woman believes that her own money is hers but her husband’s is theirs. Then this research findings is actually true.

Stop overburdening your spouse, if you are working you should also be involved in the running cost of the home. Saying your own money is yours and your husband’s is for the family, is the height of inconsideration. Well except your significant other is wealthy.

Men are not entirely left out in financial infidelity, there are men who hide their financial status from their wives. These ones are also guilty of financial infidelity.

There are men whose wives have no clue about their properties and there are men who are in debt, who will never let their wives know about it.

More so, there are women who have properties that do not declare to their spouses, some women do it because they know the law won’t protect them in case the husband dies.

A wife should know about her husband’s money troubles just as the husband should also know about his wife’s money troubles.

Unfortunately, this type of cheating where no one really looks deeply into, is the one that can destroy trust in a devastating fashion.

Financial infidelity is very difficult to spot because no one is even looking for it but when it starts spinning on your marriage it can get out of control.

Establishing an open communication helps bring a solution to money problems in the family. If you are having money troubles, speak to your partner and you guys should put your heads together to find a solution to the problem.

Also, if you are making so much money, let your spouse know about that so you can make wise investment choices.

Money can only create problems, arguments and resentment in a marriage when one partner is a spendthrift or loves getting into debts. This person is only selfish and lacks self-control and this can be as harmful as sexual infidelity.

Interestingly, a lot of us take borrowing money from our spouses for granted. We keep borrowing and never pay back, borrowing from your spouse and not paying back when due shows a certain kind of irresponsibility and dependence.

Respect your spouse financial boundaries and if you keep overstepping this thin line, this may lead to a major issue in the future.  

Lastly, have a good control of your money and never allow your spouse use money as a means of power over you. Couples should always work together to overcome money problems and you can only achieve this by working as a team. This will strengthen the bond between you, and help you create a healthy, lasting partnership.

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