African News

Friend Denies Murdering Kenyan LGBTQ Activist

A court in western Kenya has denied bail to the prime suspect accused of killing LGBTQ activist and fashion designer Edwin Chiloba.

Appearing before a high court judge, Jacktone Odhiambo denied murdering his friend in Eldoret, where he was a university student.

The police prosecutor said the two lived together as partners.

Mr Chiloba’s body was found in a metal box, dumped on the roadside near Eldoret in early January.

Kenya’s chief pathologist said he had “died from asphyxia, which caused by smothering”.

The murder sent shockwaves through the LGBTQ community in Kenya, where homosexuality is taboo and gay sex is punishable by up to 14 years in prison, although that law is rarely enforced.

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