MOVIE REVIEW: Faraaz: A Nerve Wrecking movie

… A Nerve Wrecking movie with Half Baked Protagonist
By Bolatito Adebayo
Faraaz is inspired by a true-life incident that is believed to be one of the deadliest terrorist attacks in Bangladesh till date. The real event happened in 2016 when five armed Islamist took the people in Holey Artisan café in Dhaka hostage.
There is no way you are going to watch this movie that you won’t get your blood pressure accelerating.
The major highlight for me is the comic relief. In the middle of a chaotic violent terrorist drama, the writer is able to sneak in jabs that cracks the audience up.
Unfortunately, most of the jokes are about the flawed security system and the lackadaisical attitude of the Bangladesh police. Wow! I didn’t expect any kind of laughs in this nerve wrecking terrorist movie.
I also like the fact that that the movie tried to show us the humane part of the terrorist that were brainwashed unlike in some movies where they are usually seen as 100 percent evil.
Nevertheless, the movie has its flaws and the biggest is the lead character, the audience didn’t get to see his performance as it should. Aside from the few scenes which he appeared in the beginning, his major scene is when he had a debate with Nibhras.
There is nothing spectacular about his acting and I expected much more from a character whose name is the title of the movie. Instead, Nibhras stole the show in hostage drama, and I am of the opinion that he is a better actor. I think the character of Faraaz isn’t well researched and it was hurriedly put together.