
Our Movies Are Underfunded – Atuma


Filmmaker Pascal Atuma said on Thursday that the production cost for Nollywood movies falls way short of the pre-production cost in Hollywood.

He made this remark on Channels Television’s breakfast show ‘The Morning Brief.

“The money we use for an entire Nollywood film is insufficient for pre-production in Los Angeles. In Los Angeles, low-budget movies are classified from three million dollars whereas, in Nollywood, I don’t even think we’ve had a one million dollar budget,” he said.

Atama analysed the basic cost of the flight of the cast and crew.

He said, “We had to go through the Visa process and remember these big stars don’t fly in economy, it’s business class. If you add the business class tickets alone going from 7,000 to 8,000 dollars per ticket”.


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