Oprah Winfrey: A Woman Who Didn’t Let Her Background Keep Her From Rising

By Bolatito Adebayo
Oprah Winfrey lived with her poor grandmother for the first six years of her life, and she was often dressed in clothes made from potato sacks and while she wore this, other children made fun of her.
She watched as her young teenage mother scrubbed the bathrooms and toilets for a living. Her mum had to survive working as a house maid to take care of her.

Growing up in the midst of poverty wasn’t easy on Oprah as if that wasn’t enough, she was molested as a young child by her uncle and cousin. She ran away from home when things became unbearable and got pregnant at 14. Her child died prematurely, and she was later sent to go live with her father.
Her life wasn’t anything perfect because she had a lot to overcome as a young girl.
At 17 she got a job at a radio station and her life began to take a new direction.

While her sister died of drug addiction, Oprah Winfrey survived the shackles of poverty and became one of the most influential women in the world and a multi billionaire. Oprah has certainly done well for herself.
It is true that your current life is to an extent the result of your past actions, choices and experiences. Nevertheless, the good news is that your future is not determined by your present state. In other words, do not let your background keep your back on the ground.
There are many people who have risen beyond their shabby backgrounds to become relevant people today. No matter what you are going through in life, rise above your background.