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Congolese Guitarist Mbongo Dies

Legendary Congolese guitarist Denis Lokassa Kasiya, popularly known as Lokassa ya Mbongo, died Tuesday night in the US after a long illness.

Lokassa, who recently turned 80, was the band leader of the popular Soukous Stars band, formerly based in Paris. Earlier, he had a stint with Tabu Ley Rochereau’s Afrisa International and later the All African Stars band.  He had been battling with diabetes and was recuperating from a mild stroke he suffered a few years ago.

His fellow US-based Congolese musician Mekanisi Modero said he had been informed about Lokassa’s death by a nurse who has been taking

care for him. She said he had breathing difficulties before he collapsed and died in Nashua, New Hampshire.

Also living in the same state is singer Wawali Bonane, also with The Afrisa International Band. He had visited Lokassa and was devastated by the sad news.

Another Congolese musician Ngouma Lokito, who lives in New York, broke the sad news to his fans through a Facebook post.

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