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Turkey Warns Citizens of ‘Islamophobic, Racist’ Attack in EU, US

Türkiye has issued a strong travel advisory, warning its citizens against “possible Islamophobic, xenophobic and racist attacks” in the Europe and United States.

In two separate travel advisories on Saturday, the Turkish Foreign Ministry recommended its citizens in the United States and European countries to “act calmly in the face of possible xenophobic and racist harassment and attacks” and to “stay away from areas where demonstrations may intensify.”

There has been a surge in propaganda demonstrations against Türkiye by groups affiliated with terrorist organisations, the ministry statement said.

“These developments, which reflect the dangerous dimensions of religious intolerance and hatred in Europe, clearly reveal the alarming level reached by racist and discriminatory movements in Europe,” it added.

This followed recent Quran-burning incidents in Europe.

A notorious far-right, anti-immigrant politician burned a Quran last week near the Turkish embassy in Stockholm, heightening tensions between Türkiye and Sweden.

Similar Quran-desecration acts in the Netherlands and Denmark also drew strong condemnation from Ankara and many Muslim countries.

“Protests are taking place across the US after a person named Tyre Nichols died after being subjected to police violence in Memphis, in the state of Tennessee.

“On the other hand, it has been observed that there have been anti-foreigner and racist verbal and physical attacks throughout the US recently,” the ministry said in a statement.

The statement urged Turkish citizens living in the US or planning to travel there to stay away from areas where the demonstrations are concentrated.

The ministry called on the citizens to contact local security forces and act calmly in the face of xenophobic and racist harassment and attacks, as well as to closely monitor local media outlets and to follow the additional warnings and announcements made by the local security forces, Turkish Foreign Ministry, Turkish embassies and Turkish consulate generals.

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