African News

Vote Count in Presidential Elections Commences in Guinea-Bissau


Stability is about to return to Guinea-Bissau as vote counting is under way in the West African country after years of political turmoil.

More than 100 police officers from Togo also arrived were part of 6,500 defence and security forces dispersed to ensure security during the process.

Political infighting and regular high-level sackings marred President Jose Mario Vaz’s first term marred and the embattled leader faces stiff opposition in his reelection as a result.

Vaz is the first democratically elected president to complete a full term in Guinea-Bissau. He was elected in 2014.

One of Vaz’s main challengers is Domingos Simoes Pereira, a former prime minister whose sacking in 2015 triggered years of quarrels with Parliament over who would lead the government.

More than 760,000 voters out 1.5 million people, registered to take part in the poll, which is being contested by 12 candidates.

Candidates have promised to tackle the illegal drug trade and stop the country from being one of the most important transit points for drugs from Latin America to Europe.

Preliminary results are expected on November 28. If no candidate receives more than 50 percent of the vote, a run-off between the top two candidates will be held on December 29.

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